Press Release
FICAC to observe International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD)
Posted by Media Team 02 December 2024
The Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC) will commemorate International Anti-Corruption Day on December 9, 2024. To mark the occasion, FICAC will host a march from Suva Flea Market to Albert Park.
The event aims to raise awareness about the detrimental effects of corruption and to mobilize public support for anti-corruption efforts.
FICAC Commissioner Ms Barbara Malimali said the Commission continuously endeavour to embark on a mission to reinforce the integration of the principles of Good Governance and Integrity into Fiji’s civil service, public and private sectors.
“FICAC’s work against corruption is guided by the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) standards that is encapsulated in our FICAC Act; and is also framed by the 2030 Agenda and the imperatives of meeting the commitments of the Sustainable Development Goals. These goals, which were adopted by all United Nations Member States, including Fiji, in 2015, provide a shared blueprint for all countries to work together for peace and prosperity for all people and for all the planet,” Ms Malimali said.
“The indirect consequences of corruption are even larger, such as undermining governments’ ability to serve public interests, corroding the rule of law, and eroding trust in government institutions. Where systematic corruption exacerbates and affects all state functions, it becomes a serious threat to security and could result in disorder, civil strife or conflict, with significant long-term destabilizing and debilitating effects.
“Fighting corruption, is everyone’s civic duty, however it is not an easy task. Let us recognise that corruption is not just a social disease to be eradicated, but rather a built-in feature of governance interactions. It is therefore important to strengthen governance systems, mechanisms, laws, institutions and anti-corruption frameworks to address this complex phenomenon.”
The theme for this year’s IACD is “Support FICAC to Fight Corruption, Promote Transparency and Uphold Integrity in Whole of Government and Society”.
“From FICAC’s perspective, fighting corruption is not only an aim for itself, but it is also the most effective way to achieve progress in the country’s Sustainable Development agenda. Anti-corruption efforts across generations are key for sustainable development. The global theme for IACD 2024 is significant as youths being leaders of today and tomorrow, possess the vision and innovative ideas needed to create a future rooted in integrity,” Ms Malimali said.
“Young people are just as affected by corruption as others in society. Corruption can affect youth prospects for a decent future and employment, as well as impede access to education, health care and other basic services. Youths in Fiji have a major stake in countering corruption. Youths need to play a critical role in building a more just, equitable, resilient and sustainable world, an essential part of which involves countering corruption. As such, youths’ public demonstrations of their determination to deliver with the utmost integrity and participate actively in combating corruption sends a powerful message.”
FICAC will commemorate the International Anti-Corruption Day on Monday 9th December 2024 with a march commencing at 9:00am from the Suva Flea Market to Albert Park, followed by a formal program to observe this special day. The IACD march will also include representatives from FICAC’s stakeholder organisations and anti-corruption partners who are demonstrating their strong support and continuous partnership in the fight against corruption in Fiji.
The Commission encourage all leaders and citizens to support FICAC and join us in our fight against corruption in Fiji.