Fiji Day Speech
Posted by Media Team 09 October 2024
To the respective managers,
The Welfare Committee Chair and Members,
Good afternoon.
I can only imagine the excitement, the trepidation, the fear and hope in the hearts of the leaders and people of Fiji on 9th October 1970 as they waited for 10th October, when His then Royal Highness, Prince Charles, now King Charles would hand over the instruments of Independence to the people of Fiji.
Many of us here were not even born then.
Today, on the eve of Fiji’s 54th year of our independence from Great Britain, a lot of us probably face the same feelings of excitement, or maybe even insecurity about our future and that ever-burning spark of HOPE for the best.
Today and tomorrow throughout our islands and among our diaspora overseas, pride swells in the hearts of all Fijians as we look upon our noble banner blue and reflect on the hard work, ingenuity and faith it has taken to forge the Fiji we know today. Today, civil servants from all over Fiji will be doing their part to CLEAN UP the streets of our major centres. Whilst FICAC may not be physically cleaning the streets, we are cleaning the nation of corruption.
Our history has not all been smooth sailing and clear blue skies, we have had our fair share of turmoil, whether it be political, natural and even social. But it is our ability to rise up again from such adversities with our world-renowned Bula smiles, that makes us unique and reaffirming the sentiment of solidarity everyday.
It is my ambition to share that same sense of solidarity within the Commission.
A place where we have happy and healthy officers carrying out the duties that they were called to do for our nation.
The theme for this year’s celebration is, “To heal and hope”.
A theme based on the ideals of reconciliation.
It rightfully embodies the notions of Fiji’s multi-cultural unity and tolerance in celebration of our country’s 54th Anniversary of independence and sovereignty.
Another hope of mine is to see that the Commission becomes a family-oriented organization. Families are very important components of society as they offer an environment of warmth, love and understanding for each member for our emotional and psychological development.
This is something I hope we can foster at FICAC, and you'll be pleased to know that there are plans to have a family fun day early next year. We are also hoping to create a safe space for your children to rest and do their homework, while they wait for you to finish work.
And in line with the spirit of family, you will also be pleased to know that following this lunch, you are free to go and spend time with your respective families.
Ever since day one, my office has an open-door policy and officers are welcome to come and see me regarding any matters or situations you may be facing.
Before I finish, I would like to take this time to thank each and every one of you for the work you have done and for carrying out your roles in combatting corruption, as well as promoting transparency and accountability as we strive to fulfill the Commission's vision of ensuring a life free of corruption in Fiji. I am asking you that we take it up a notch and increase our output. FICAC is well resourced, so for us we must remember that “to whom much is given, much is expected”. The people of Fiji expect much from us. Forget the noise, forget the criticism and let us unite, let us heal and let us hope and we need to show the nation that FICAC’s part in the process is to balance the scales of justice.
May you all be blessed abundantly and Happy Fiji Day.